Monday, 25 March 2013

Post two - Foucault and discourse.

For this week’s blog I have been wading through Foucault’s ‘The Deployment of Sexuality: Domain’, from his ‘History of Sexuality’, and Riki Wilchins’ exegesis of Foucault’s chapter.

Both these readings relate to our lecture on how sex and gender operate in discourse.

Foucault writes in the introduction to his book that the central issue of his thesis is to discover the “way in which sex is ‘put into discourse’ ”; how it is spoken about and by whom, the position they inhabit and the institution they are prompted by. (Wilchins, p. 59)

Wilchins describes this kind of discourse as a “social dialogue” (Wilchins, p.59), in which society engages in a set of practices that make meaning and ‘rules’ by which its citizens live by. Sexual discourse in this context is not the physicality of sex, but the way in which the physicality is understood.

Foucault determines sexuality to be a “dense transfer point for relations of power” (Foucault, p. 103). He believes there to be four central points or ‘strategies’ in the structure of knowledge and power relating to sex.

1-    “a hysterization of women’s bodies” (p. 104)
relating to the analysis of the feminine body and concluding that it is ‘saturated’ with sexuality, thus “integrating it into the sphere of medical practice” by virtue of a specific pathologizing of women’s (only) role in society as Mother, never as sexual being

2-    “a pedagogization of children’s sex” (p. 104)
that children are ‘preliminary sexual beings’, which is both ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’, thus requiring strict direction and control by a series of authoritative facilitators, such as parents, teachers, doctors etc

3-    “a socialization of procreative behaviour” (p. 104-5)
economic ‘incitements and restrictions’, political ‘responsibilitization’ and fiscal fertility as social arbiters of (married) couples birth-control practices

4-    “a psychiatrization of perverse pleasure” (p. 105)
sexual instinct isolated as separate from biological instinct, and assigned ‘normal’ and ‘anomalous’ traits

Foucault states these four sites of knowledge emerged in the nineteenth century as both ‘targets and anchorage points’ for privileged sexual knowledge. Wilchins states these points maintained credence as they were articulated in social spheres with the authorative voice of Truth, as evinced by Science and Logic (Wilchins, p. 61).

Within the ‘socialization of procreative behaviour’ structure, we can see an example of established ‘norms’ being challenged with the rise in support of same sex couple access to IVF technologies. The IVF Australia website gives a commonplace illustration of how a lesbian couple could physically utilise the IVF program. The language used is not hysterical, or in any way leads the reader to believe this example is unusual. Here, not only are same sex couples viewed as legally legitimate potential parents, but socially they are viewed as having the same right as normative binary gendered couples seeking reproductive assistance in order to start a family.

Conversely, only Western Australia, New South Wales and the ACT allow same sex couples to adopt a child in Australia. As of 2010 NSW is the only state that explicitly states this in a parliamentary Act.


Foucault, M c1976, ‘The Deployment of Sexuality: Domain’, in The History of Sexuality, R. Hurley trans., Penguin 1998 edn London, pp. 103-114.

Wilchins, R 2004, “Foucault and the Disciplinary Society’, in Queer Theory, Gender Theory: An Instant Primer, Alyson Books, Los Angeles, pp. 59-82.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Post one - hair metal.

Considering that today's class was an overview of what we will be looking at this semester, I am going to take free reign to discuss a subject that was not specifically examined in the lecture.

Following this awesome video we viewed in class, I am inspired to look at presentations of gender in music, more specifically, 80's hair metal and glam metal.

                                 Poison, clearly got the headwear memo...

Recently I sat down and watched a 2005 documentary called Metal: A Headbanger's Journey. Written and directed by self confessed metal head Sam Dunn, it's an anthropological look at the subcultural appeal of heavy metal music. Dunn clearly knows his subject matter, so much so that VH1 commissioned him to expand his ideas and produce the 2011 follow up Metal Evolution.

                                       Whitesnake, tassels and no tops...

This second doco explored in greater detail the evolution of metal music, with specific episodes referring to evolving genres, leading us to Episode 5: Glam. However, I am not so much interested in the music itself, but the surrounding accoutrement. The blokes with big hair/perms, make up, pink jackets and leopard print pants - all items considered by todays mainstream society to belong within female identity categories. Crossley (2005) discusses 'social identity' vs 'personal identity', stating both are negotiated through interaction with others. In the case of 80's hair and glam metal frontmen, I think both are being negotiated with the audience. The hair and clothing are not only associated with the excess of the 80's, they identify the band member as 'rock star' to the audience, and through the performative element of dressing in this specific way, they reaffirm to the band member themself that they are a 'rock star'.

So does the articulation 80's hair/glam metal rockstar mean masculinity through a lens of femininity? 

In his introduction to the book Constructing Masculinity, Berger describes masculinity as being not limited to straightforward descriptions of maleness. He describes the subject positions occupied by genders in society as the intersection and articulation of many elements, in this case subcultural expectations (hair! fringed jackets! tight pants! make up!), social norms (80's excess and hedonism) and historical circumstances (men front metal bands).

                                    Axl Rose would like some reggae...

In this way, the presentation of these blokey blokes in feminine categories of apparel is mediated by social factors. Interestingly, many of the video clips put together by these bands feature women as a side note. They focus on doing something 'manly', like giving these pants a work out, homework issues or wearing a series of jumpsuits.

However, anyone who has viewed the sexualisation of the women that do exist in these filmclips (and lyrics) cannot deny that whilst not physically adhering to the m/f binary in terms of dress, these bands certainly uphold stereotypical m/f behavioural expectations for both rock stars and chauvinists with extreme egos. See exhibit A, exhibit B.

This music was (and still is in some subcultures) very popular, even in the mainstream to some extent. Sam Dunn's documentaries feature first hand accounts of how both men and women loved the style these bands flaunted, with 'men wanting to be them and women wanting to be with them'. More recent bands are emulating and parodying these styles, either in tribute to, or as adept cynical caricatures of, them. Designed to appeal to the hip pocket of hair and glam metal fans who never quite grew out of it.

                                     LA's Steel Panther formed in 2009

   However, critical discourse cannot attempt to explain everything...

Crossley, N 2005, 'Identity', Key Concepts in Critical and Social Theory, London: Sage, pp. 144-147.

Berger, M, Wallis, B & Watson, S (eds.) 2012, Constructing Masculinity, Taylor and Francis, 


Hi y'all.

Welcome to my brand new blog, devised as part of my second year Gender class. I want to make it clear that I am no expert on any of these topics, and am an undergrad exploring many of these theories for the first time. My analysis and summaries are my opinions, not definitive stances or peer reviewed critiques!

This blog will most likely consist of ramblings on gender, an inordinate amount of memes and let's be honest, probably a lot of broken hyperlinks from my technologically challenged self.

I hope to discuss the class readings, raise questions on topical issues relating to gender and gender studies, and generally just piece together some of my thoughts and interests relating to these subjects that I find on my internet travels.

This is also my first ever crack at making a blog, wish me luck!

Here's a bonus meme for your enjoyment, woah nurse!